Why do so many health conditions require taking medication for
For example diseases like:
Heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, autoimmune disease such as: Graves disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s, psoriasis and digestive problems like acid reflux, constipation and colitis, brain problems like: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, depression, anxiety and so on…
Mainstream approaches require taking medication forever.
Forever is a long time.
Who does this ultimately benefit? The patient or the drug company?
If the problem was solved, then why the need to solve it again and again… day after day? Forever.

Say we put air in our tire but it goes flat again. Wouldn’t we all realize that there’s probably a hole in it?
99% of us would simply fix the hole… the root cause.
But, why do the vast majority of us ignore the root cause of health problems and treat only the symptom?
Why should our health be any different?
You’re probably here because you’re looking for more options. This is why we have…
3 steps to determine the root cause:
STEP 1 The Personal Consultation
The consultation is an important step because it’s the foundation that your success is built on.
It can save you time, money and frustration later.
Sitting side-by-side looking at the details of your condition will help guide us towards the most appropriate root cause testing for you.
While running every test under the sun would give us a lot more information, it’s just not financially practical. That’s why it starts with a detailed metabolic assessment to narrow down to the most relevant testing options for you.
Appropriately thorough yet cost effective is what we’re after.
We’ll also discuss your bodies systems including your endocrine system, nervous system, digestive system, immune system and circulatory system. Combining that information with your sympomatology gives us the data we need to prescribe the next step. Root cause testing.
STEP 2 Root Cause Testing
Root cause testing can be quite misunderstood from both patients as well as clinicians. It is well understood that common factors to chronic disease include:
digestive problems
cell damage
poor circulation
organ problems
brain chemistry imbalance
immune dysregulation
vitamin deficiency
mineral malabsorption
microbiota overgrowth
What is most important to determine, but gets overlooked is what primary factors are driving your condition. When you learn what these are it makes the solution most accurate.
STEP 3 Review of Findings
While it is important for the doctor to understand your situation, what’s most empowering is for you to understand what’s driving your condition.
This enables you to become more resolute and take an active role in your health. That’s why we provide a simple explanation of your findings and outline the most appropriate steps towards realizing better health.
Next Step: Personalized Protocols